Special thanks to Zorica Djergovic-Joksimovic for contributing the information for this page.
Geometrija Tela (Between the Sheets), trans. Arijana Boović and Borivoj Gerzić, Paideia, Beograd.
Betonski vrt (The Cement Garden), trans. Ivan Matkovic, Znanje, Zagreb, 1984.*
Uteha stranaca (The Comfort of Strangers), trans. Ljubica Damjanov, Oktoih, Titograd, 1991.
Crni psi (Black Dogs), trans. eljka Jovanovic, "Filip Vinjic", Beograd, 1998.
Amsterdam (Amsterdam), trans. Raa Sekulovic, Paideia, Beograd, 1999 and 2007.
Iskupljenje (Atonement), trans. Arijana Boović, Paideia, Beograd, 2003.
Sanjar (The Daydreamer), trans. Arijana Boović, Paideia, Beograd, 2006.
Subota (Saturday), trans. Arijana Boović, Paideia, Beograd, 2006.
Solar, trans. Arijana Boović, Paideia, Beograd.
Čezil Bič (On Chesil Beach), trans. Arijana Boović, Paideia, Beograd.
Book-Length Criticism
Ijan Makjuan: polifonija zla. Geopoetika, 2009. ISBN: 9788676662043
Abstract from the Publisher: Ian McEwan has demonstrated a remarkable interest in the problem of evil from the very beginning of his writing career. yet, he is not focused on the anthropology of evil but is primarily attracted to the epistemology of evil and the presentation how this encounter is reflected upon the lives of his protagonists. The structure of McEwan's novels is based on the process of initiation which his naive and inexperienced characters have to undergo. This initiation brings them the newly acquired maturity. As the nine analyzed novels (The Cement Garden, The Comfort of Strangers, The Child in Time, The Innocent, Black Dogs, The Daydreamer, Enduring Love, Amsterdam, and Atonement) show, love proves to be the only force which can bring atonement and rebirth. Purchase online from Geopoetika
Uteha stranaca (excerpts from The Comfort of Strangers), trans. Ljubica Damjanov, Polja, Novi Sad, No 345-357, 1987-1988.
"Dete u pravi cas" (excerpt from The Child in Time), trans. Lajco Imric, Rukovet, Subotica, 35, 1989, knj. 75, 3, pp. 303-312.
"Crni psi" (excerpt from Black Dogs), trans. eljka Jovanovic, Profemina, Beograd, br. 7, 1996, pp. 215-254.
"Crni psi" (excerpt from Black Dogs), trans. eljka Jovanovic, Profemina, Beograd, br. 8, 1996, pp. 245-274.
"Geometrija prostora" ("Solid Geometry"), trans. David Albahari, Gradac, Cacak, 1979, VI, 26-27, pp. 90-99.
"Izmedu carava" ("In Between the Sheets"), trans. David Albahari, Letopis Matice srpske, Novi Sad, 1980, CLVI, knj. CDXXV, 2, pp. 268-280.
"Subota, mart 1991" (the first part of the story "Two Fragments: Saturday and Sunday, March 199-"), trans. David Albahari, Gradina, Ni, 1982, XVII, 5, pp. 57-63.
"Geometrija prostora" ("Solid Geometry"), trans. David Albahari in Albahari, David, ed., Savremena svetska prica, 2 books, Prosveta, Beograd, 1982.
"Razmiljanja jednog izdravanog majmuna" ("Reflections of a Kept Ape") in Todorovic, Gordana B., ed., Nova engleska pripovetka, Srpska knjievna zadruga, Beograd, 1982.
"Poslednji dan leta" ("Last Day of Summer"), trans. Gordana B. Todorovic, Pismo, Zemun, 1985, 01, pp. 5-14.
"Psihopolis" ("Psychopolis"), trans. David Albahari, Pismo, Zemun, 1985, 01, pp. 23-36.
"Razgovor s ?ovekom iz ormara" ("Conversation With a Cupboard Man"), trans. Gordana B. Todorovic, Pismo, Zemun, 1985, 01, pp. 14-23.
"Leptiri" ("Butterflies"), trans. Branislav Kovacevic, Letopis Matice srpske, Novi Sad, 1986, 162, 437, 6 (jun), pp. 868-880.
"Mrtvi svravaju" ("Dead as They Come"), trans. Branislava Kuburovic, Stvaranje, Cetinje, god. 45, br. 5-6, 1990, pp. 480-495.
"Prva ljubav, poslednji obredi" ("First Love, Last Rites"), trans. Ivana Mikovic, Rec, god. 4, br. 29, 1997, pp. 57-61.
"Maternji jezik: Hvala ti, Rouz, na tome" ("Mother Tongue"), trans. Arijana Boovic from The Guardian, Danas, 12-13. april 2003, pp. XII-XIII.
"Rodendanska proslava Deka Flija" ("Jack Flea's Birthday Celebration"), trans. Ljubica Damjanov, Ovdje, god. 22, br. 262-263, 1990, pp. 30-35.
Gaspari, Vesna, "Metafore za sve relacije: razgovor sa Jan Mekjuenom", Gradina, Ni, 1982, XVII, 5, pp. 88-106.
B. T. (ed.), "Intervju - Jan Mekjuen: Ruenje tabua i mirenje sa smrcu", Naa borba, 3-4. oktobar 1998, p. III.
Milincic Jelena and Ljubinka, "Intervju: Jan Mekjuan : Ljudska moc mora biti ogranicena", Knjige, Beograd, god. I, br. 2, decembar 1998, pp. 2-3.
uvakovic, Zorana, "Sve globalne subote", Politika, Beograd, god. 102, br. 32841 (11. april 2005), p. 16.
Reviews, Interviews, and Criticism
Anonymous, "Jan Mekjuen", Gradac, Cacak, 1979, VI, 26-27, pp. 117-118.
Anonymous, "Jan Mekjuen", Gradina, Ni, 1982, XVII, 5, p. 86.
Kamenski, Branka, "Izgubljena ansa: Ian McEwan: Betonski vrt", Danas, Zagreb, 1984, 125, p. 56.*
Petkovic, Radoslav, "Crne knjige za mlade: Jan Mek Juen: Betonski vrt (Znanje, Zagreb, 1984)", Knjievna rec, Beograd, 10. 10. 1984, XIII, 242, p. 11.
N. B., "Jan Mek Juen: Betonski vrt", Letopis Matice srpske, Novi Sad, 1985, CLXI, knj. CDXXXV, 2, pp. 313-314.
D. A., "Beleke o autorima", Pismo, Zemun, 1985, 1, pp. 170-171.
Andic, Branko, "Ian McEwan, The Child in Time, Jonathan Cape, London, 1987", Pismo, Zemun, br. 12, zima 87/88, p. 252.
Albahari, David, "Zaludna uteha", Borba, Beograd, god. 69, br. 361, 26. 12. 1991, p. 5.
Kocievic, Dragan, "Anatomija izgubljene ravnotee", Knjievna rec, Beograd, god. 21, br. 392, 25. 3. 1992, p. 11.
Pisarev, Dorde, "Ne verujte strancima!", Dnevnik, Novi Sad, god. 51, br. 16360, 16. 5. 1992, p. 14.
Ribnikar, Vladislava, "Obnavljanje zla", Borba, Beograd, god. 70, br. 248, 3. 9. 1992, pp. 14-15.
B. T., "Ljubav i opsesija, njena mracna bliznakinja", Naa borba, Beograd, god. 4, br. 1166, 22. 4. 1998, p.11.
Rosi?, Tatjana, "Domaci uljezi i drugi duhovi", Naa borba, "Svet knjige", Beograd, god. 4, br. 1260/1261, 25-26. jul 1998, pp. II-III.
Boovic, Gojko, "Obnova drutvenog romana", Reporter, 6. oktobar 1999, p. 42.
"Prevareni ste!", trans. Biljana Vasic from The Guardian, Vreme, Beograd, 16. oktobar 1999, pp. 47-48.
Dakovic, Nenad, "Milenijumska simfonija", NIN, 19. avgust 1999, pp. 45-46.
Dergovic-Joksimovic, Zorica, "Recepcija engleske knjievnosti: slucaj Makjuan", Filoloki pregled, XXX, 1, Beograd, 2003, pp. 119-131.
Dergovic-Joksimovic, Zorica, "Prikazi dela Ijana Makjuana u naoj periodici", Filoloki pregled, XXXI, 1-2, Beograd, 2004, pp. 171-182.
*NB: The Zagreb (Croatia) edition of The Cement Garden and Branka Kamenski's article are included in this list since at the time both Croatia and Serbia, now separate states, were part of the then Yugoslavia and materials published in Croatia were available in Serbia and vice versa.