London: Jonathan Cape, 1987 (220 p., ISBN: 022402499X).
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987 (263 p., ISBN: 0395429129).
Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1987 (263 p., ISBN: 0886191920).
Het kind in de tijd (Dutch / Trans. by Eva Wolff). Amsterdam: M. Muntinga, 1987 (313 p., ISBN: 9041700080).
London: Picador, 1988 (220 p., ISBN: 0330304062).
New York: Penguin Books, 1988 (263 p., ISBN: 0140112464).
Babino nel tempo (Italian). Torino: Einaudi, 1988 (215 p., ISBN: 8806113658).
L'enfant volé (French / Trans. by Josée Strawson). Paris: Gallimard, 1993 (298 p., ISBN: 2070732916).
Oxford: Isis Publishing, 1994 (299 p., ISBN: 1856953424).
Jikan no naka no kodomo (Japanese / Trans. by Yasushi Mano). Tokyo: Chuokoronsha, 1995 (314 p., ISBN: 4120024784).
Oxford: Heinemann, 1996 (230 p., ISBN: 0435124501).
London: Vintage, 1997 (220 p., ISBN: 0099755017).
New York: Anchor Books, 1999 (263 p., ISBN: 0385497520).
(Audio / Read by Nathaniel Parker). Bath, England/Hampton, NH: Chivers Audio Books, 1999 (8 cassettes, 8 hr., 15 min. / ISBN: 0754003469).
Niños en el tiempo (Spanish). Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1999 (255 p., ISBN: 8433966383).
Ditia vo vremeni (Russian). Moskva: Agraf, 2000 (329 p., ISBN: 5778401027).
Selected Reviews and Criticism
Quinn, Mary Ellen. 'Untitled', Booklist, 1 September 1987: 28.
Neve, Michael, 'Possible Futures', Times Literary Supplement, 4 September 1987: 947.
Locke, Richard. 'Shades of Dickens and Woolf', The Wall Street Journal, 15 September 1987: 30.
Cooke, Judy, 'Time Stands Still', The Listener, 17 September 1987: 24.
Tonkin, Boyd. 'In at the Birth', New Statesman, 18 September 1987: 28.
Smoodin, Roberta. 'The Theft of a Child and the Gift of Time', Los Angeles Times Book Review, 20 September 1987: 19.
Sheppard, R. Z. 'Heartbeats', Time, 21 September 1987: 76.
Goldstein, Rebecca, 'He Turned Around and She Was Gone', New York Times Book Review, 45:41, 11 October 1987: 9.
Powers, John, 'Natural Bonds', The Nation, 245:14, 31 October 1987: 491-492.
Mantel, Hilary, 'Frozen Time', London Magazine, 27:9-10, December 1987/January 1988: 134-135.
Podhoretz, John. 'Book Reviews', American Spectator, 21:2, February 1988: 45-46.
Annan, Gabriele, 'Worriers', New York Review of Books, 35:1, 4 February 1988: 17-19.
Bemrose, John, 'A Welcome Literary Invasion', Maclean's, 101:18, 25 April 1988: 51-52.
Brownjohn, Alan, Encounter, 70, April 1988: 57.
Neri, Michele. 'Perche non ho rivelato il sesso del primo ministro', La Stampa: Tuttolibri, 14:613, 6 August 1988: 4.
' Ian McEwan: Standing Up for the Sisters', A Vain Conceit: British Fiction in the 1980s, D. J. Taylor, (Bloomsbury, London, 1989): 55-59.
Muchnick, Laurie. 'You Must Dismember This', Village Voice, 35:35, 28 August 1990: 102.
The Novel Today: A Critical Guide to the British Novel 1970-1989, Allan Massie, (Longman, London, 1990): 49-52.
Slay Jr., Jack, 'Vandalizing Time: Ian McEwan's The Child in Time', Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 35:4, Summer 1994: 205-218.
Edwards, Paul, 'Time, Romanticism, Modernism and Moderation in Ian McEwan's The Child in Time', English: The Journal of the English Association, 44:178, Spring 1995: 41-55.
Reynier, Christine, 'Rites de Passage dans The Child in Time d'Ian McEwan', Jeux d'ecriture: Le Roman britannique contemporain, edited by Marie-Francoise Cachin and Ann Grieve, 1995.
Wright, Derek. 'New Physics, Old Metaphysics: Quantum and Quotidian in Ian McEwan's The Child in Time', Revista alicantina de estudios ingleses, 10, 1997: 221-233.
Byrne, Michael. 'Time and the Child in Ian McEwan's The Child in Time', The Antigonish Review, 123, Autumn 2000: 101-107.
Schoene, Berthold. The U-turn of the Father: Ian McEwans The Child in Time. In Berthold Schoene's Writing Men: Literary Masculinities from Frankenstein to the New Man. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000: pp. 157-69.
Takamoto, Takako. "The Child in Time ni okeru Futatsu no Jikan' ('Two Kinds of "Time" in The Child in Time'), New Perspective, 177, 2003: 45-57.